Exchange details
Exchange Name: Barwon River Community Exchange (VIC) (BRCE)
City/Town/Area: Winchelsea
Province/State/Area: Victoria
Country: Australia
Description We welcome people in the Barwon River region to join us in our aim to build and strengthen community by exchanging goods and services directly, without the need for money. As prices continue to rise, money is becoming a problem for many. Let's help each other through these times.
Administrator: Cathy Cheadle
Tel: 042 576 3074
Web site:
Status: 23 users
Your details…
Note: Your full contact details are required for your application to be considered. If you do not want certain details to display on the web site, it is possible to hide them after you receive your account details.
Please enter below details of the services and/or goods you will be offering. Please use the format shown.
NB: Applications with no offerings will not be considered. The Barwon River Community Exchange (VIC) is about giving as well as receiving. All rates must be expressed in Tokens. A Dollar component is permissible but it should not exceed the Token component. Please try to fill in all three offerings fields. You may edit these and add further offerings when you get your account.
1 Token (T) ≈ 1 Dollar ($)   Offerings Q & A
 Click here to see what's available from Barwon River Community Exchange (VIC)
You may optionally enter any wants or requirements that you might have.